Posts Tagged ‘John Travolta’


Step Aside BIRD FLU, SWINE FLU The New Raging PANDEMIC Wannabe

April 25, 2009

SWINE FLU Pandemic?

SWINE FLU Pandemic?

Source: CNN

Just when you thought it was safe to emerge from your Bird-Flu-Proof Doom Bunker:

U.S. health officials expressed concern Friday that a swine flu virus that has infected eight people in the United States matches samples of a virus that has killed at least 68 people in Mexico. U.S. health experts also are concerned because more than 1,000 people have fallen ill in Mexico City in a short period of time.

“This situation has been developing quickly,” said acting CDC director Richard Besser. “This is something we are worried about.”

Swine flu is usually diagnosed only in pigs or people in regular contact with them.

Read more HERE.

A remember a few years ago when the talk of bird flu used to make people run around like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off. Or maybe that was just a nasty strain of Chicken-With-Its-Head-Cut-Off Flu.

In any case, if you’ve ever heard me talk over the years about the things I just wouldn’t be able to restrict myself of in order to become a full-fledged vegetarian, swine was at the top of that list. Yes peoples, like JOHN TRAVOLTAs character in PULP FICTION, the purveyors of THRALL WORLD admit that they too just wouldn’t be able to give up that yummy bacon goodness.

It goes without saying that the CNN article in question here is a bit disappointing with all of the health considerations involved to all of the pork fans out there.

But just what does “regular contact” with pigs mean exactly??

Does it mean caution to the tireless pig farmers who wake up every morning at the brink of dawn to feed slops to the grunting ravenous beasts?

Or does that mean caution to the grunting ravenous humans (yours truly included) who love a slice of crispy honey-dipped bacon with their morning eggs-over-easy??

Could anyone please clarify?
